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Exploring the old northern spiritual pathways,
... influenced by an indigenous mindset.

Also known as … Mike Tripp — photojournalist & scifi geek who also happens to be tracking his spiritual path in a very different and interesting wilderness.

Went from walking in the woods as a kid to a person lucky enough to originally taught by two elders with the Bear Tribe Medicine Society and a few members of the Aniyvwiya  (Cherokee), Lakhota and Ojibewa peoples.

Found similarities within my own heritage and now follow an old Northern Europe nature-based spiritual pathways, influenced by “Turtle Island” … ie. teachings from the first peoples of this land.

Basically, a Norse-Albionic American Druid … a Druid of Turtle Island … exploring his animistic path, and how it connects with the natural world and spiritual realms who is tasked with carrying a sacred Pipe.

“There is more than one way to get
to where we need to go.”

"We are related to all things, and all things are related to us."

~~~ Adapted from the Lakota’s “Mitákuye Oyásʼiŋ,” which means “We are all related.”

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